Saturday, March 27, 2021

A New Beginning # Day 100


A New Beginning #Day100

I can't believe that it was this time last year that all this madness kicked off.

We got word in school that the kids were to be sent home immediately and for the next two weeks. It said that schools would reopen then. Yes, we scoffed. That would have meant bringing them back for a week before the Easter holidays. We figured schools would stay closed until after the hols, by which time this Coronavirus thing would be under control and we would be back to normal.

I remember popping into the local Aldi on the way home to stock up for the week and being shocked at how many empty shelves there were.

Days went by and we began to realise that things were much worse than we thought. There was a report that schools in Britain wouldn't be reopening until September and we scoffed again in disbelief saying there was no way that would happen. Well guess what? Yep, we just about managed to open the following September, remain open until Christmas and now , in March 2021, we have been back for the past four days.

I'm glad I didn't know then what way things were going to turn out. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss. If we knew what was ahead of us I think we would have sunk into immediate despair.

And so , a year later.......

My blissful ignorance and naivety are gone to be replayed by pandemic exhaustion and a feeling of hopelessness. I've just been listening to the latest update  and it's not a reassuring prospect. All I can hear are words like "no easing of restrictions", " June" "End of June" "5k to 8k  if we're lucky".

So I've made a pact with myself. Instead of  visualising myself going further into this dark world of restrictions , I am going to look at it from the viewpoint of coming out of it. I figure that 100 days should (Oh please God) see us in a better place. Now I am not so naive that I think we will be back to normal by this time. I would be perfectly happy to be in the place that we were last year ( when we felt that we were hard done by). In other words I would like to be able to travel at least 20 k ( minimum) or even cross county borders. Oh, to be able to meet up with 3 or 4 friends in the back garden and to have a chat. I'm sick to death of my own company and I'm over it now.

So I'm counting  down each day from 100, which is today, the 20th March to July 3rd. 

Maybe I should start tomorrow and then I'd end on 4th July, Independence Day? But me being me, I have to start when the mood takes me, which is TODAY!

So what I'm going to do is, take some action daily to claw back from the state I find myself  in now and to get myself closer to re-emergence.

My first action is this new blog. My old blog "A girl for all seasons" was taken over by gremlins/foreign bodies and I've been locked out of it since Christmas. I kept meaning to start a new one but I just didn't have the energy or enthusiasm to do so until now.

So this is positive action No. 1. If you would like to join me in my journey forward, please do!!! And hopefully we can celebrate together on July 3rd....a new Independence Day!

How depressed are we going to be on July 3rd, if we look back at this post and realise that nothing has changed! STOP!!! I won't let myself believe that. Onwards and upwards.

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