Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Happy Birthday Lil Kovid

 They grow up so fast!

I can't believe that it's been a year since this little fella came into my life!

It was back in the first Lockdown of 2020. My weekly day out was to my local Aldi to stock up on essentials for the coming week. As you do in Aldi, I was perusing the middle aisle (one of the highlights of my week) when I espied a crochet kit. Now I hadn't crocheted since my childhood when I had the best dressed Sindy and Barbie dolls in the parish. So I took the kit home, as I had loads of time available to undertake such a challenging project! And so it was that Lil' Kovid came into being.

Now, I'll be honest, I thought that within a matter of two months, Lil Kovid would become a memento of an historical "unprecedented" event. However, something is only assigned to history when a change occurs. And unfortunately, one year later there has been no major change in restrictions and my weekly trip to Aldi is still me going "out out".

Lil Kovid has not been assigned to the attic where, on the occasion of my demise, my grandnieces and grandnephews will open a case and find Lil Kovid there, and wonder what life must have been like for Grandaunt Noeleen during the pandemic of 2021.

No, Lil Kovid is still very much a part of everyday life. Some days he is the only "person" that I can vent and complain to. So I think a red velvet cupcake is the least that I could get him.

Disclaimer: the fact that Red Velvet is  MY absolute favourite, is a complete coincidence.

These restrictions better finish soon before I lose it COMPLETELY :)

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